© 2021 by MANTA POINT

English Below

Cet atelier correspond à un stage de 2,5 jours de HeartBeat comptant comme prérequis pour la formation d’enseignant 5 Rythmes.
Come with all the facets that make you human, your instincts, your intuition, what’s innate, what’s constructed, your protections.... Together we will set these facets in movement, in voice, in emotional colors. To find the animal part, the instinctive part, the part in connection with the spiritual. To welcome your personality, what has been built up through your life experiences, what you have learned, what has protected you.
We will dive into these different parts of ourselves and find a form of generosity in our sharing. Being seen and seeing the other. Re-discovering ourselves in what the other offers. Releasing the energies of the parts of ourselves that we had buried or forgotten. Make peace with all the energies, sometimes contradictory, that inhabit us. To foster new impulses.
Come with all the facets that make you human and receive the support of the circle, of a whole tribe, to accept ourselves as we are, fully HUMAN.
In this journey through the HeartBeat 5 Rhythms’ map (emotional work), we will alternate and weave together dances and sounds to explore our humanity and take our place fully.
This workshop offers a unique opportunity to combine movement and voice through the practice of 2 teachers and does not aim at any aesthetic or artistic result. It does not require any particular physical ability or experience in voice or movement. Only the intention to be present moment after moment and to give shape and voice to the life that passes through us matters!
!!! Saturday morning will be an opportunity to practice in nature!!!
Anne Nutelet: "I am convinced that expressing oneself through voice and movement not only brings joy and well-being, but is also healing and transformative. It is a wonderful way to reach out to yourself and to others. I accompany you in the exploration of your creativity and the expression of your voice. " www.annenutelet.com
This workshop fulfills 2,5 days of Heartbeat prerequisites on the teacher training path.
~ Workshop in English/French. Register via email: cecilemail@gmail.com ~